Privacy and Security
Your privacy and security is of the greatest importance at Motoworld, and we want you to feel totally confident in shopping online with us. We have put significant steps in place to protect all of your details, in particular your payment details. Your payment details are provided to Motoworld securely by a third party bank, so that you can feel safe shopping online with us. Payments are processed in a Motoworld store location, so you can be sure of your privacy and security. Motoworld will never share your personal information with any third party companies. The information that you supply us with will only be used for the purpose for which it was intended.
By accessing this site, certain information about the your time spent on our site, such as Internet protocol (IP) addresses, navigation through the Site, the software used and the time spent, along with other similar information, will be stored on Motoworld servers, hosted by Blacknight. These will not specifically identify you. The information will be used internally only for web site traffic analysis. If you provide unique identifying information, such as name, address and other information on forms stored on this Site, such information will be used only for statistical purposes and will not be published for general access. Personal data is stored on a remote secure server and used and is the full responsibility of Blacknight, who host the Website.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy and security policy, please email us at